Cosmetic Complications:
Lower blepharoplasty complications may result in the Patient dissatisfaction its final result. As in case of upper blepharoplasty, if inadequate skin from upper eyelid has been removed, the most direct cure is to excise a little more. However, skin excision will not provide a very effective solution to eliminate any wrinkles, while fanatic removal of lower eyelid skin in lower blepharoplasty will always cause considerable problems.
The most common cosmetic complication is inadequate removal of fat resulting in a visible bulge. Same in the case of fat transfer, it may result an inappropriately irregular shape and contour. These types of cosmetic complications in lower blepharoplasty can be addressed by the revision by transconjuctival approach. This is, however, the best approach to be conservative in case of fat removal.
The rare cosmetic complication in lower blepharoplasty is holloness which is caused due to excessive removal of lower eyelid fat. This complication be overcome by grafting of fat obtained from other part (usually behind the ear)of the body.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Lower Blepharoplasty Complications Treatment
at 11:50 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Treatment for Functional Complications of Upper Blepharoplasty
The most common functional complications caused by the upper blepharoplasty are includes:
1. Creation of droopy upper eyelid or Eyelid Ptosis
2. Lagophthalmos or shortage of tissue due to adequate prevention of closure
Eyelid Ptosis is a functional complication caused due to surgical injury to the levator muscle or aponeurosis (the lifting muscle and tendon) or placement of deep fixation causes tethering of levator action. Surgical injury includes the stretching or cutting of the tendon. The complication surgical injury can be repaired by the blepharoplasty specialist who has exposure in the eyelid reconstructive surgery. When sutures placed to a deep fixation it starts restrict the levator action. This tethering of levator action from sutures causes the eyelid ptosis. Such cases of the eyelid ptosis resolve fully without any additional surgery by the time of two to four weeks.
Lagophthalmos is a serious functional complication for eye surface health. The main reason for the lagophthalmos is excessive skin removal or internal scarring and results in inadequate eye closure. In some mild cases of lagophthalmos implantation of gold or platinum eyelid weight may designed to support eye closure. Massage is also a solution to repair eye closure. Typical cases of this complications are operated by the additional surgery. In this surgery new skin is grafted from a donor site (mostly behind the ear). Results of grafting are partial and cosmetically not perfect.
The catastrophic loss of vision is one of the most uncommon functional complications of upper blepharoplasty. This complication is caused due to build up of blood socket behind the eyeball. "Retrobulbar hemorrhage" can arise unexpectedly and is most commonly heralded by the beginning of very considerable pain and a graying of the vision. To resolve this functional complication, you need to go under treatment without any delay. To release any trapped blood Stitches may be removed and this will also open the wounds. The pressure from the eyeball needs to take off by allowing it to bulge forward. The removal of socket bone untying the orbit from the sinus cavities may help.
at 12:22 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Treatment for Cosmetic Complications of Upper Blepharoplasty
Cosmetic complications in upper blepharoplasty are so-called as “Patient dissatisfaction” with the result. They can be categorized as the true impairment in eyelid and vision. The patient disappointment may be the result of:
- Unrealistic expectations
- Poor procedure used by an inexperienced blepharoplasty surgeon
- Asymmetric or Excess creases
- Under correction
Once blepharoplasty has been performed, the Unrealistic expectations by the patient are difficult problem to undue. The actual effective "treatment" for this is an honest and caution discussion between patient and his blepharoplasty surgeon. This discussion is about what can and cannot be attained by blepharoplasty.
Poor choice of procedure and execution by an inexperienced blepharoplasty surgeon can cause uneven results and excessive scarring. The approach to a more experienced blepharoplasty surgeon can retrace most of the steps of the surgery and can undertake correction as needed.
The upper two eyelids may be unmatched in height and shape after blepharoplasty due to Asymmetric or high creases in upper. This outcome is not rare. The same problem may not be related to blepharoplasty and can exist before the surgery. This can be caused by some separate problem (may be unrecognized) like brow drop and ptosis. To correct these deficiencies a patient has to elect a proper surgical method or he can simply ignore the imbalance between the two eyelids if it is soft. There is a fact that mild eyelid asymmetries are natural rather than any exception and this does not depend upon whether a person undergone blepharoplasty or not. The procedure to lower a crease is slightly complex. The crease may lower by the slight removal of additional skin usually accompanied by deep fixation.
There is a common reason why patient is dissatisfied, which is the overly conservative removal of upper eyelid skin. It is important for a blepharoplasty surgeon to accentuate that the prime goal of blepharoplasty is to enhance the looks without creating a bleak "surgical" look. Thus healthy conservatism will leave a patient slightly undercorrected. Fortunately, this problem can be easily corrected by the further excision of excess tissue and commonly, the skin needs to be removed and healing is rapid.
The blepharoplasty may results as hollowness and/or high eyelid crease when excessive fat removed from the upper eyelid. The procedure to repair this problem is quite difficult. To correct this fat grafts received from the patient's body can be implanted into a space formed between the closing muscle (orbicularis muscle) and opening muscle tendon (levator aponeurosis). This implant creates fullness and gives a tissue buffer to lower the crease. Such procedure is not entirely precise because of its limitation of scarring and survival of fat implanted. More than one technique may require achieving the best possible shape.
at 7:38 AM