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Monday, October 8, 2007

Asian Blepharoplasty/ Double Eyelid Surgery

Asian blepharoplasty
Asian blepharoplasty is also known as double eyelid surgery and double blepharoplasty. Man and woman of Asian ethnicity seek blepharoplasty to feel better about their appearance. The enhancing of eyelid structure through Asian blepharoplasty, its better conforms aesthetics and feel happier and more confident. Nearly half of the Asians have upper eyelid crease, which makes a difference with occidental crease in its way. The Asian upper eyelid crease notably differs in height, shape and depth as compare to the occidental crease. Some Asian people are born with low/weak crease or without crease, later seek double blepharoplasty. Through Asian blepharoplasty some patients want only defined and stable platform for their upper eyelashes. Besides this some patients want removal of excess skin and fat rather than full Asian blepharoplasty.

The first Asian blepharoplasty description was published in 1800s in Japan and it is widely appreciated by Asian people. The Asian blepharoplasty has become popular in the last fifty years. Asian blepharoplasty is the most requested cosmetic surgery and reason behind this is the population on Asian people in both Asia and United States. Although Asian people undergo Asian Blepharoplasty at a younger age compare to occidentals.