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Monday, December 15, 2008

Information on Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles

Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles is growing continously. If you are a resident in Los Angeles, then you have convenience of selecting the best blepharoplasty surgeons in the country. You will find the best surgeons at Beverly Hills. If you're planning to have blepharoplasty in Los Angeles, surgeons at Beverly Hills can give you good suggestions for the type of eyelid surgery that will suit you best and give effective results.
The experts in Los Angeles can give you a complete makeover with new advanced technologies. Your relatives and friends won't believe the transformation in you after blepharoplasty in Los angeles. If you want to find out more about eyelid surgery in Los Angeles, here is the information about some of the best surgeons in Los Angeles.

Dr. Keyes, M.D.
Keyes Surgicenter
9201 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 611
Los Angeles, California 90069
Phone: 310 859 9388

Steven C. Dresner, M.D.
1127 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1618
Los Angeles, California
Tel.: 213 482-3467

Dr. Warren Lent, M.D.
150 N. Robertson Blvd, Suite 140
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
California 90211
(310) 652-6500

Mary A. Powers, MD, FACS
9201 West Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90069

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Asian Blepharoplasty (Double Eyelid Surgery) is different from Occidental Blepharoplasty

"Asian blepharoplasty" or double eyelid surgery are common terms used for blepharoplasty but this not exactly a blepharoplasty. Both surgeries are certainly done on the upper eyelid but there are so fundamental differences that both Asian blepharoplasty and occidental blepharoplasty are thought as unique operations rather than related procedures.
Basically "Blepharoplasty" surgery is developed for European and Occidental descent patients which is now old, while "Asian Blepharoplasty" surgery is developed recently for patients of Asian lineage. Many blepharoplasty surgeons who can very well perform occidental blepharoplasty may have little or nearly no experience with double eyelid surgery.
The differences between Asian Blepharoplasty and Occidental Blepharoplasty related to anticipated goals, age of the patient, and surgical procedure are:
• Most European patients want blepharoplasty surgery in their forties, fifties and sixties, while the immense mass of Asian patients demanding surgery in their twenties and thirties.
• In the Occidental blepharoplasty, the major concern is rejuvenation of the aging upper lid. The surgery is considered as subtractive for most part. The stretched and weakly positioned skin or fat are removed from upper lid. Small attention given to reshaping the present crease.
• In the Asian Blepharoplasty, the major concern is the enhancement of the asymmetrical or unbalanced crease or creation of a new crease in upper lid. Minimal attention is given to the skin and fat removal and in some cases, no fat is removed from lid.
• The "suture techniques" for crease formation in occidental blepharoplasty becomes more fragile.
• If a young Asian patient is operated with procedure similar to that is used in Occidental blepharoplasty, the result can be unnatural or surgical.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Advanced Upper Blepharoplasty with Myoplasty

Wrinkles on the forehead is generally a unconscious simulation of the forehead and eyebrow area. Even though it makes our looks like annoyed person and unfriendly, it is almost unfeasible for us to prevent us from activating the muscles that are dependable for the frown on the forehead. The main reason behind the success of Botox is its advantage in relaxing the muscles which are responsible for wrinkles and frowning. Advanced upper blepharoplasty for upper eyelid lifts can include a treatment to relax frowning muscles, specifically the procerus, corrugator and depressor supercili muscles. An advanced upper blepharoplasty gives a wonderful opportunity to treat these muscles by the previously existing eyelid incision which is unseen within the lid crease. The muscles are approached in upper blepharoplasty, recognized and permanently destabilized which leads to permanent softening of the natural frown. Because the muscles are not entirely paralyzed, some simulation remains for a natural look. Although this upper blepharoplasty treatment may even direct to a mild brow elevation, most patients identify the benefit in the improvement of the frown region between the eyebrows. These muscles are strongly intertwined with significant nerves and vessels, so a methodical understanding of the rich anatomy of eyelids by the blepharoplasty surgeon is essential for a safe and secure procedure.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Asian Double Eyelid Surgery- Blepharoplasty also popular in Men

Asian blepharoplasty surgery is now popular for men also. It is not strictly meant for women. In the past years, Asian blepharoplasty was performed over 95% of women, but in the last decade, there was a steep rise in the number of men undergone double eyelid surgery.
As per current stats, Occidental blepharoplasty is performed on less than 20% of male patients, while Asian male accountability for double eyelid surgery is over 30%. This rise in interest of men is indicating the fundamental change in objective of blepharoplasty in Asian and non-Asian people. The nature of the blepharoplasty procedure for Asian eyelid is a structural repositioning of tissues intended to create a natural-occurring crease while in the non-Asian eyelid, the objective is to remove away the changes occurred with the aging.
A conservative approach is highly recommended for both Asian and Occidental men. Normally, a low tapered crease in eyelid appears the most natural and also the best option. Some women desire a high crease with medium height and parallel contour in blepharoplasty; this procedure normally chosen to create a definite platform to apply cosmetics. A dramatic crease is never a recommended idea in blepharoplasty, mainly for the men faces.
Some men are concern about having the low creases as they think that they may require additional blepharoplasty later on for age-related bagginess. While this is a rare case, such later blepharoplasty surgery is subtractive in nature because the incision surgery builds a long-lasting crease and depends fully on how that patient finally ages. Still, it is highly recommend against try to have preempt changes that may or may not happen in middle age.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Upper Blepharoplasty- Eyelid Surgery Without Crease Formation

The upper eyelids may emerge baggy in Asian people. Bagginess is usually due to the occurrence of excess fat and skin. Some people may wish to reduce their upper eyelid bagginess through blepharoplasty while conserve the current eyelids creaseless. Asian people have a special anatomical feature in their eyelids, so, "standard" Asian double-eyelid blepharoplasty surgery can run a specific risk of varying the current state of the crease and noticeable scar.
There are certain new techniques developed in Blepharoplasty for such cases:
• In this upper blepharoplasty, the skin generally incised a few millimeter above lashes. The incision is external and does not tend to the orbicularis muscle. A plane then established between skin and orbicularis muscle expanding upward. After this a flap having skin only is elevated without unsettling the eyelid structure.
• For upper eyelid bagginess, the excess fat needs to be removed to decrease a marked convexity in the eyelid. The orbicularis muscle is incised slightly a highed level in blepharoplasty. The orbital septum is then opened at little higher level. After that in blepharoplasty, a small amount of fat is trimmed out and removed. The orbicularis muscle and orbital septum left to close naturally without any suturing. However this step is not required, unless excess fat is offensive.
• If fat pocket nearby to the nose, bulging enough to visible, the transconjunctival approached is considered for blepharoplasty i.e. the area closet to nose approached from the backward of the eyelid. After this a small incision created to remove any excess fat. In this way, No noticeable external scar is created.
• Lastly, the skin flap is wrapped over the original incision marked in eyelid and extra skin trimmed conservatively. Now the skin edges will be closed with few sutures without useing any kind of deep fixation.
This upper blepharoplasty procedure is performed by not removing any orbicularis muscle or orbital septum and creation of a noticeable crease is avoided and the healing exterior scar is convincingly well camouflaged.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blepharoplasty for Permanent Eyeliner and Brows

Blepharoplasty for Permanent Eyeliner
Blepharoplasty can be done for permanent eyeliner and permanent brows. This procedure is known as blepharopigmentation and Eyelid tattooing. Ferroous oxide pigment tattoos into the dermis of eyelid for application of "permanent" makeup. This pigmentation of blepharoplasty gives freedom from regular application of cosmetic over the eyelids. Mainly the procedure is performed by cosmetologists instead of physicians. So, the anesthesia preferences are bounded. A rigid drink may be used.
Preferably, in this blepharoplasty surgery, pigments is put between the eyelashes as a sequence of closely-spaced dots rather than as a hard thick line. Various handpieces may be engaged using anything from a particular vibrating needle to a rotating multi-needle cluster. The dots can be applied in single or multiple rows between the eyelashes depends upon the preferred effect and intensity of coloring.
Permanent eyelid tattooing in blepharoplasty gives freedom from applying makeup daily. Especially this is beneficial for patients having poor eyesight, chronic eyelash infection, eyelid scarring, oily skin or arthritis. Also for people who always in hurry may prefer blepharopigmentation. Sometimes permanent makeup may not remain permanent and may be faded out gradually after several years. You should consult with a cosmetologist before applying permanent eyeliner, even if blepharoplasty surgeon will be performing the procedure.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Two Easy way to Help Swelling Disappear after Blepharoplasty

Using cold compacts and uplifting your head over the level of your heart are ordinary practices in the stage just after blepharoplasty surgery. In addition to blepharoplasty, there are many other simple and effective practices that can help you to remove swelling quicker in the weeks to come.

1. Reduce Your Salt Intake
Most health-conscious people taking salt easily prefer more prepared foods, fast foods and "take-out" which have lots of salt. This seems to be more convenient for them after blepharoplasty surgery than cooking up own daily food. A small amount of salt on your meals is fine for blepharoplasty, but anything more may direct you to fluid retention. When your body retains fluid, parts of inflammation such as eyelids healing from blepharoplasty are common targets for more swelling. Generally, Young people are notorious consumers of “take-out” and fast food, are the major offenders.

2. Continue Exercise Regularly and in Control
After blepharoplasty surgery, it's easy to make yourself a couch-potato watching television and lot of movies. The active people will be bored more quickly with this routine and find themselves yearning to get back to the fitness center. When you finally decided to get back to the gym, take it easy. Energetic aerobics and weighty straining after blepharoplasty can all add to swelling in the inflamed soft tissues of the eyelids and orbit. It would fine to give your body rest before preparing for your next triathlon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blepharoplasty Surgery Process Information

After reading and signing the surgical consent, you will be taken to the observation area where you will be prepared for blepharoplasty. Now you would ask to change for a gown, wear a bonnet to keep hair off from face, and put on a pair of paper booties on the shoes.
Though the nursing people already have a copy of your medical history report and physical checkup report from your blepharoplasty surgeon, keep in mind to talk about any particular or remarkable medical requirements with the nursing staff, including any allergic reactions to medical prescription, problems with unusual bleeding, or any serious cardiopulmonary restrictions.
Before blepharoplasty, surgeon will record blood pressure and pulse and will give you oral sedation. If surgeon uses intravenous sedation for blepharoplasty, then an intravenous line will be put in.
In the operating room, blepharoplasty surgeon will generally be escorted by two staff members normally a surgical assistant and a medical assistant and, if intravenous sedation is used for blepharoplasty, then an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist will be required.
You will be laid down on surgical table and cushioned to feel comfortable. Your face will be washed with an antiseptic, and disinfected surgical robe will wrap all but your brows, eyes, and nose. The blepharoplasty operating room lights will appear excessively bright at first. Depending on strength of sedation for blepharoplasty, you may hear talking between your surgeon and staff and also to you. A blood pressure cuff wrapped up about your arm will pump up periodically.
If you stay awake during your blepharoplasty surgery, you will be asked to keep your eyes closed but at certain times when surgeon will want to examine the effects of work in progress.
If the eye blepharoplasty surgery is performed in local anesthesia, you might feel a little pressure throughout the surgery or nearly no discomfort. If you feel obvious discomfort during blepharoplasty, tell to surgeon, who will be able to insert more local anesthetic.
Once your blepharoplasty surgery is completed, your surgeon will take away the surgical gown, wipe off your face, and lift you up in a semi-reclining position. Surgeon will cover your eyelids with moist and cool gauze pads, which feel very relaxing and soothing. Normally, patients stay in this position for five to ten minutes. After blepharoplasty your surgeon sees no indication of unnecessary bleeding, no excessive pain, and constant vital signs, he may choose you to either move to holding area for additional observation or commonly, place you in a wheelchair to accompany you out to your car.
Surgeon will not apply bandages after blepharoplasty. Instead, he can provide you a pair of sunglasses with dark wrap-around. A nursing member will review all instructions with your car driver and also all instructions given to you in writing.
Most blepharoplasty surgeons provide you with a "goody bag", having items such as sunglasses, an antibiotic gel, a small medication for strong pain, a gel ice-pack, an artificial tears bottle, an additional supply of hygienic gauze, paper of instructions and your appointment card.
If your eye vision is quite blurry or doubled, don’t surprise. This is happening due to the side effects of local anesthetic with sedation, antibiotic ointment and too much tearing. The orbicularis muscles may be weakened for sometime after blepharoplasty surgery, your eyelids may look overdone. Don't worry. This is not the time to evaluate the success of blepharoplasty surgery.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Celebrities turn to Blepharoplasty for baggy Eyelids

Celebrities Blepharoplasty
Our top most and favorite celebrities always believe to have blepharoplasty to turn their looks fresh and younger. They prefer to undergone blepharoplasty to remove their eye bags and tiredness around their eyes and looks beautiful.

This is the judgment of some blepharoplasty surgeons who have observed the impressive changes in Paul David Hewson (Bono), George Clooney, and many other celebrities that now have different looks especially because of blepharoplasty and other plastic surgery.

Irish rock group U2’s lead singer Bono is no longer using his branded sunglasses now a days and his eyelid bulge and bags have strangely gone, making some surgeons wonder that he has gone under the knife in recent times.

A plastic surgeon in East Anglia (UK), Dr. Lucy Glancey said staining is a general outcome of blepharoplasty procedure that usually remains for nearly six weeks. She told reason why Bono has been covering under his trademark sunglasses for few time.

"I unquestionably think Bono has been undergone lower blepharoplasty which the plaster covered him in the December. He possibly had noticeable bruising under his eye at that time - sometimes people find no bruising after blepharoplasty, or sometimes they get bruising below just one eye, which looks like a black eye. A proper bruising on eye could take up to 6 weeks to make well. This would clarify why Bono has covered under sunglasses for a quite some time," Dr. Lucy Glancey said.

George Clooney, a 45 year old celebrity is another example who’s looking fresher and younger these days. Blepharoplasty may be the main concern why good-looking actor doesn’t look exhausted these days and other argued that this may due to the success of his Ocean’s film series.

Clooney has joked at two occasions about his assumed blepharoplasty. At Cannes, Don Cheadle, the co-star of Clooney in Ocean’s 13, told that he only undergone blepharoplasty for one eye. Clooney replied that he desired to try this first and "gave it a test."

When Julia Roberts interviewed by Oprah Winfrey especially on the Oscars, Clooney again made a joke regarding his blepharoplasty. Julia asked the star what was the most significant change he did in his life and to which Clooney replied, "I had my eyes done through blepharoplasty, Can you tell? I think it’s important to look awake."

Whether Clooney telling us truth or not, his impressive looks is doing all the talking as of these days. George Clooney has removed bulge and fatty bags under his eyes and his eyes are fresher and open than earlier before. He seems to have a full blepharoplasty on his upper as well as lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty seems to be a good solution for baggy eyelids with a reasonable cost and its few possible complications.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Procedure to get New York City Blepharoplasty

There are many special surgical institutes in New York City to get blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. If you a local resident of New York City and will be able to access any special surgical center then you should know about New York City blepharoplasty.

Long Island is a very nice and calm place where options are available for blepharoplasty. You can stay and relax there during the healing from surgery. At the other side of the river is New Jersey where those people live who work in New York City and prefer to live away from the mob of the City. If you explore New Jersey properly then you can find as many options available as in New York City for blepharoplasty.

The blepharoplasty is not a tough operation to perform. Doctor makes incision on the crease of upper or lower eyelids to remove excess fat and the excess skin from eyelid. A lot of blepharoplasty surgeons also perform skin resurfacing using laser after blepharoplasty so that wrinkles around eyes can be removed. Before skin resurfacing you should be aware of it because generally it charges separately. But this process is recommended as you want best look out of blepharoplasty. The incisions are minute enough that no one can notice it.

The complete blepharoplasty will take about 2- 3 hours but anesthesia effect may take little more time to vanish. You require rest for few days after the surgery done. If you are living in New York City then don’t worry, your healthcare center will provide you cab to go to home. Many surgical institutes will provide facilities like private transportation and airport medical assistance. So, you can get a well planned treatment in New York City if you are on medical tourism for blepharoplasty.

The healing from blepharoplasty generally takes 7-10 days. During this period if you feel something wrong with your eyes then don’t wait just rush to your surgeon for immediately consultation.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Causes of Hollowed Eyelids

Blepharoplasty for Hollowed Eyelids
Some mid-adult people have excess orbital fat from within their eye socket and eyelids, some other people having noticeably small orbital fat around their eyelids and eye socket from a gentle young age. Even for people born with fuller eyelids, some of them will later on soak up or move fat in their eye socket and grow even more hollowed.
Likewise, patients who have gone through lower or upper blepharoplasty with exclusion of too much orbital fat and muscle may distinguish either instantly or slowly that their lower eyelids have grown-up more hollowed and their upper eyelid creases are growing higher and deeper.
In the earlier period when blepharoplasty performed, such changes have been looked up in the medical literature as a "skeletonized eye" or the "hollow socket disease."
During lower blepharoplasty when over-resection of orbital fat happens to the lower hollowness, the resulting anatomical flow dubbed to change the "orbital flat tire." The higher hollowness in the upper orbit of eye caused by both orbital and sub-eyebrow fat loss with upper blepharoplasty, the term user for this is "eye deformity" to explain its effect on eyelid looks.
While few lower eyelid fullness and a comparatively low upper eyelid fold are signs of youth, visible orbital hollowness make the face appearance older and more sleepy. When hollowness is complex, it may be coupled with inner collapse of the eyelid that makes a variety of eye and eyelid positional irregularities.
However when patients get hollowed by blepharoplasty surgery, they become most unhappy people in all of the plastic and cosmetic surgery. Earlier corrective operations performed after blepharoplasty, have proven unsuccessful operations. In present days, the treatment for orbital hollowness becomes effective and successful.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reason behind Unsatisfied Patients

The blepharoplasty done every year in the United States has increased more than double in few years. Well-performed blepharoplasty surgery yields a natural-appearing improvement of the most significant feature of the face i.e. eyes with no breaking the bank or putting you out of action for few months at a time. With a skilled blepharoplasty surgeon, the operation is fairly secure comparative to other plastic and cosmetic surgery operations. Recovery from blepharoplasty is relatively painless, and the enhancement is lasting for long.
However, not every patient will be pleased with the outcome of surgery. Of course, some patients may experience blepharoplasty complications due to some reason. Still, there are other patients who have undergone aesthetically and technically with all particulars in a proficient blepharoplasty surgery but at the end remain unhappy. Such patients tend to come under several categories:
• The patients who prefer blepharoplasty to appear naturally fresher but then they only found its predictable result as "different"
• The patients who actually wish to look different rather naturally fresher but did not achieve that unachievable fantasy shape.
• The patients who undergo blepharoplasty for their eyelids to look like those people who are especially a model or celebrity.
• Those patients who thought surgical accuracy is perfect and absolute.
• The patients who think healing from blepharoplasty is a fast and effortless process.
• The patients who think blepharoplasty surgeons are magicians rather than professional doctors.
• The patients who demanded a conformist result from blepharoplasty but then were unhappy about their probable "undercorrection"
• Those aged patients having advanced changes or damaged tissues or unhealthy eyes and they gone under blepharoplasty.
• The patients with few visible facial problems such like a droopy and bulgy face which require face lift.
• The patients with psychological problems.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eye Creams and Gels for Blepharoplasty

In recent years, eye creams are appearing with more additive which can do little more that just a mere moisturizer. These creams are called cosmeceuticals that haze the difference between drugs and cosmetics. For example:

Antioxidants are widely advertised for the aid in protection from sun damage, retrain inflammation and endorse healing. These antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, lipoic acid and co-enzyme Q. These antioxidants are helpful in case of blepharoplasty. There are modest or no justification for these antioxidants which remain completely unconfirmed in real-life clinical situations for blepharoplasty. This is similar to what happening inside a biochemist’s test tube. Such designed antioxidants should be used with the opinion of expert blepharoplasty surgeon or respected research dermatologist. Under a controlled observation, it is found that vitamin E actually worsened the appearance of scars after blepharoplasty in over 90% of patients.

Alpha-hydroxy acids are said to help for wrinkles by thickening dermis and epidermis with new collagen. These alpha-hydroxy acids are also known as "fruit acids" and glycolic acid. Alpha-hydroxy acids are also used to improve skin luster by retreating the irregular build-up of keratin.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

After Blepharoplasty Avoid too Much Exposure to Direct Sunlight

The main determinant of irregular pigmentation and eyelid wrinkle is the "Photoaging" due to cumulative effect of ultraviolet light exposure in direct sunlight. The too much UV exposure to the direct sunlight after blepharoplasty can also thicken eyelid skin to leathery texture and may result structural stretching. This may increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

The advanced sunscreens or sunblocks are the most effective methods to protect the eyelids from ultra violet damage after blepharoplasty. The use of sunscreens and sunblocks after blepharoplasty can slightly irritate eyes once they melt and make way into the tear. When spending time outdoor in direct sunlight use sunglasses or visor or long hat to better protect your eyelids. Such preparations are highly desirable after blepharoplasty for use on skin next to tender eyes. The regular use of moisturizer cream containing antioxidants on the eyelids may also protect you against the photoaging due to UV lights.
Sun tanning in control after blepharoplasty is not an issue because the incision at the upper eyelid is tucked on the crease into the depths. The incision is commonly placed on the inside surface of the lower eyelid. Sun tanning is a mistake after the eyelid chemical peel, especially for the first two or three months after peeling when exposure to sunlight UV may cause in blotchy over-pigmentation.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Blepharoplasty via Medical Tourism in New York City

Blepharoplasty via medical tourism is now very popular for its better services at very nominal charges. In earlier period, people prefer to travel India, China and some other countries of Asia to get operated for various diseases. However, things have changed for better service with the modern scientific and information technology. Now medical tourism is gaining popularity in New York City and many patients prefer to visit New York for blepharoplasty. However, in the ancient times, blepharoplasty surgery was quite expensive in New York and many patients could not afford it but now the things have changed.

The reason for the blepharoplasty in New York City is people visit New York as tourist and United States government offers tourist good medical facility and services to increase revenue. Don’t think that treatment in New York City will hurt your finances. New York City has well equipped hospitals and clinics with amenity facilities that a patient requires for healthy healing. You will find various surgical centers for blepharoplasty which suits to every ones pocket, in the range of very high-tech to normal specialty clinic. Therefore, if you have confusion that normal surgical centers for blepharoplasty will not treat you as a desire patient then you might be wrong. You will be treated and looked after very well before, during and post blepharoplasty.

Medical tourism in New York City provides you a wide range of services for general medicine and surgical procedures like general surgery, bones, joints and tendons, cardiology, diagnostics, throat, urinary tract and many more including cosmetics treatment. The hospitals and specialty clinics are offering blepharoplasty, skin resurfacing, transconjuctival blepharoplasty, eyebrow surgery, cheek and midface lift, fat repositioning, augmentation mammoplasty, lipoplasty, mentoplasty, rhytidectomy, jaw surgery and many more. In fact, they will provide you designated officers who will help you throughout your stay in New York City.

After blepharoplasty, the hospitals will provide you with private transportation to the hotel and to-and-fro for consultation with their respective blepharoplasty surgeon. You will be provided by a regular check-up during post blepharoplasty and also get an arrangement for airport medical assistance upon departure if necessary. The healthcare manager will assist you for local dining, shopping, their culture and customs of destination. Therefore, don’t worry for blepharoplasty via medical tourism in New York City and explore your health looks without getting hassled or troubled.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Good Morning Instructions of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty can make you looks better and you must be curious about the results of blepharoplasty from the very first morning of the blepharoplasty. This is the healing period from the surgery, so you should take care of few things. You can also consult with your blepharoplasty surgeon.

1. In the morning of the blepharoplasty take shower and do shampoo. Wash out all eyelid cosmetics thoroughly from your eyebrows. Do not apply any cosmetics to your eyebrows and eyelids and better if face also in the morning of blepharoplasty.

2. Do not use contact lenses or false eyelashes. Just after blepharoplasty, avoid wearing any jewelry items or wristwatches or hairpieces. You should not use articles of value. Do not wear tight collars, belts or long sleeves which can interact with your blood pressure monitoring. Prefer comfortable loose-fitting clothes after blepharoplasty.

3. If blepharoplasty is performed only with oral sedation in an office operating room, you should take a light breakfast without caffeine. Limit quantity of fluids to just one cup.

4. If blepharoplasty is done under oral sedation in an office, there is one point about blepharoplasty to care. If you are taking prescription medicines or any eye drops on a regular basis, continue your regular dose on the morning of blepharoplasty. This is important with the blood pressure medicines. (The policy may vary with office).

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Guidance before Blepharoplasty Surgery

1. Blepharoplasty surgeon will gather some or all of the following requirements well in advance of blepharoplasty date. These requirements are as follows:

a. You need to gather your health history and prepare questionnaire before blepharoplasty surgery.
b. Go for a basic physical examination for medical clearance with your regular physician.
c. Have some special physical testing or electrocardiogram.

2. Do not use any type of aspirin at least three weeks before blepharoplasty. Do not use other aspirin like baby aspirin, some cold remedies containing aspirin, any coated aspirin, or any medication related to ibuprofen like Motrin, Advil, Alleve, etc. These medications should be avoided at least three weeks before blepharoplasty. One tablet can hinder with your blood clotting before blepharoplasty. You can take tylenol at any time.

3. If you are advised for "blood thinners" like Coumadin or Plavix, discuss the same with your blepharoplasty surgeon in advance of blepharoplasty. You may need to follow some special instructions.

4. Stop using any type of separate Vitamin E supplement. You should stop Vitamin E atleast two weeks before blepharoplasty. A small amount of Vitamin E is not concerned.

5. Try to limit your over-the-counter supplements which are meant to protract bleeding to a lesser degree than the above medications. These over the counter supplements include gingko biloba, ginseng, glucosamine/ chrondroiton sulfate, and some herbs. So, try to limit the drinking of herbal teas or any over-the-counter supplements specifically which are not recommended by your regular doctor.

6. Talk to your blepharoplasty surgeon well in advance if you are taking any special regular medication. If you are using any diabetic dosage try to adjust it on the day of blepharoplasty.

7. It would be better if you stop smoking and alcohol intake atleast two weeks before blepharoplasty.

8. You should have some supplies before blepharoplasty. Sterile gauze pads, extra strength Tylenol and a little bottle of artificial tears.

9. You should purchase few supplies in advance which are ready for use after your blepharoplasty upon arrival at home. 2-3 tray of ice cubes, several clean washcloths and a small bowl for water. Also purchase a package of frozen baby peas or Ziploc bags to use ice packs.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lower Blepharoplasty Functional Complications Treatment

Malposition” is the most common functional complication of lower blepharoplasty. Malposition is a variation of the lower eyelid position, thus interaction with the relationship of eyeball with lower eyelid. This functional complication is due to:

1. Lower eyelid retraction
2. Cicatricial ectropion

Lower eyelid retraction is the pulling down of the eyelid thus exposing white of the eye “excessive sclera”. This excessive sclera creates a surgical looks. This functional complication commonly occurs when blepharoplasty is performed using a transcutaneous incision. The excessive scarring in the middle layers of the eyelid caused retraction. This mainly caused in lower blepharoplasty when transcutaneous approach is used as well as by the excessive skin and fat removal.

The Classical surgical approach for the correction of lower eyelid retraction is quite challenging and may require more than one operation. These are as follow:

1. Scar tissue severing
2. Lateral canthus tightening procedures
3. Dermal fat graft, ear cartilage grafting, hard palate tissue, decellularized tissue matrix called as spacer graft
4. Silicone cheek/orbital rim placement

These classical operations are often for a short duration only. In lower blepharoplasty, orbital fat deficiency has been observed as a major contributor to eyelid collapse.

Cicatrical ectropion is a functional complication in which lower eyelid is pulled away from eyeball. It is a common complication of lower blepharoplasty. Cicatrical Ectropion is caused due to excessive removal of fat and lower eyelid skin and it’s common in transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty. People those have stretched and weakened supporting tendons have high risk especially the smokers because the tightness is poorly tolerated and results in eyelid eversion.

Surgical treatment for cicatricial ectropion includes a difficult reconstructive operation in which grafting of donor skin with full thickness is require. Donor skin is taken from behind the ear. Some tightening techniques may also be required at lateral canthus or midface.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Lower Blepharoplasty Complications Treatment

Cosmetic Complications:

Lower blepharoplasty complications may result in the Patient dissatisfaction its final result. As in case of upper blepharoplasty, if inadequate skin from upper eyelid has been removed, the most direct cure is to excise a little more. However, skin excision will not provide a very effective solution to eliminate any wrinkles, while fanatic removal of lower eyelid skin in lower blepharoplasty will always cause considerable problems.

The most common cosmetic complication is inadequate removal of fat resulting in a visible bulge. Same in the case of fat transfer, it may result an inappropriately irregular shape and contour. These types of cosmetic complications in lower blepharoplasty can be addressed by the revision by transconjuctival approach. This is, however, the best approach to be conservative in case of fat removal.

The rare cosmetic complication in lower blepharoplasty is holloness which is caused due to excessive removal of lower eyelid fat. This complication be overcome by grafting of fat obtained from other part (usually behind the ear)of the body.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Treatment for Functional Complications of Upper Blepharoplasty

The most common functional complications caused by the upper blepharoplasty are includes:

1. Creation of droopy upper eyelid or Eyelid Ptosis
2. Lagophthalmos or shortage of tissue due to adequate prevention of closure

Eyelid Ptosis is a functional complication caused due to surgical injury to the levator muscle or aponeurosis (the lifting muscle and tendon) or placement of deep fixation causes tethering of levator action. Surgical injury includes the stretching or cutting of the tendon. The complication surgical injury can be repaired by the blepharoplasty specialist who has exposure in the eyelid reconstructive surgery. When sutures placed to a deep fixation it starts restrict the levator action. This tethering of levator action from sutures causes the eyelid ptosis. Such cases of the eyelid ptosis resolve fully without any additional surgery by the time of two to four weeks.

Lagophthalmos is a serious functional complication for eye surface health. The main reason for the lagophthalmos is excessive skin removal or internal scarring and results in inadequate eye closure. In some mild cases of lagophthalmos implantation of gold or platinum eyelid weight may designed to support eye closure. Massage is also a solution to repair eye closure. Typical cases of this complications are operated by the additional surgery. In this surgery new skin is grafted from a donor site (mostly behind the ear). Results of grafting are partial and cosmetically not perfect.

The catastrophic loss of vision is one of the most uncommon functional complications of upper blepharoplasty. This complication is caused due to build up of blood socket behind the eyeball. "Retrobulbar hemorrhage" can arise unexpectedly and is most commonly heralded by the beginning of very considerable pain and a graying of the vision. To resolve this functional complication, you need to go under treatment without any delay. To release any trapped blood Stitches may be removed and this will also open the wounds. The pressure from the eyeball needs to take off by allowing it to bulge forward. The removal of socket bone untying the orbit from the sinus cavities may help.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Treatment for Cosmetic Complications of Upper Blepharoplasty

Cosmetic complications in upper blepharoplasty are so-called as “Patient dissatisfaction” with the result. They can be categorized as the true impairment in eyelid and vision. The patient disappointment may be the result of:

- Unrealistic expectations
- Poor procedure used by an inexperienced blepharoplasty surgeon
- Asymmetric or Excess creases
- Under correction

Once blepharoplasty has been performed, the Unrealistic expectations by the patient are difficult problem to undue. The actual effective "treatment" for this is an honest and caution discussion between patient and his blepharoplasty surgeon. This discussion is about what can and cannot be attained by blepharoplasty.

Poor choice of procedure and execution by an inexperienced blepharoplasty surgeon can cause uneven results and excessive scarring. The approach to a more experienced blepharoplasty surgeon can retrace most of the steps of the surgery and can undertake correction as needed.

The upper two eyelids may be unmatched in height and shape after blepharoplasty due to Asymmetric or high creases in upper. This outcome is not rare. The same problem may not be related to blepharoplasty and can exist before the surgery. This can be caused by some separate problem (may be unrecognized) like brow drop and ptosis. To correct these deficiencies a patient has to elect a proper surgical method or he can simply ignore the imbalance between the two eyelids if it is soft. There is a fact that mild eyelid asymmetries are natural rather than any exception and this does not depend upon whether a person undergone blepharoplasty or not. The procedure to lower a crease is slightly complex. The crease may lower by the slight removal of additional skin usually accompanied by deep fixation.

There is a common reason why patient is dissatisfied, which is the overly conservative removal of upper eyelid skin. It is important for a blepharoplasty surgeon to accentuate that the prime goal of blepharoplasty is to enhance the looks without creating a bleak "surgical" look. Thus healthy conservatism will leave a patient slightly undercorrected. Fortunately, this problem can be easily corrected by the further excision of excess tissue and commonly, the skin needs to be removed and healing is rapid.

The blepharoplasty may results as hollowness and/or high eyelid crease when excessive fat removed from the upper eyelid. The procedure to repair this problem is quite difficult. To correct this fat grafts received from the patient's body can be implanted into a space formed between the closing muscle (orbicularis muscle) and opening muscle tendon (levator aponeurosis). This implant creates fullness and gives a tissue buffer to lower the crease. Such procedure is not entirely precise because of its limitation of scarring and survival of fat implanted. More than one technique may require achieving the best possible shape.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Possible Risks and Complications in Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a safe and effective surgery relative to many other widely invasive cosmetic and plastic reconstructive surgical operations. The huge majority of people who undergo cosmetic blepharoplasty are happy and satisfied with their results. Few risk and complications involved in blepharoplasty are as follows.

Eyelid Infection: Infection is a possible risk with all surgery, which also includes surgery around the eyelids. There is a good blood circulation around the eyelids. So infection may occur around the eyelids, however, selected surgery performed under hygienic conditions rarely results in any serious infection.

Bleeding after Blepharoplasty: If bleeding remains continued after blepharoplasty, then eyelid wound may require reopening. This may require coagulating of the bleeding vessel and/or elimination of the clot ("hematoma"). Fat pockets and the orbicularis muscle are the most common place of bleeding.

Wound separation from Eyelid skin: The wound from the edge of eyelid skin may separate, especially with in 1 or 2 days after suture removal. A little wound separation may close impulsively or with the help of supporting tape. A larger separation may need suturing again. If wound separation is treated then it has minimal effect on the final result.

Suture cysts: After blepharoplasty, little white cysts (milia) may produce in the suture line. Most of suture cysts disappear without treatment and removal of a milia cyst is quite simple and quick.

Asymmetry Between Eyelids: Some people have good eyelids but they may not match as a pair. Such type of asymmetry between eyelids is introduced by blepharoplasty may be cosmetically disturbing. Asymmetries involved shape and height of the upper eyelid crease, digression of the lower eyelid margin, remaining skin and fat, and like that. If noticeable asymmetries remain for a reasonable period of time usually five to six months then your blepharoplasty surgeon may suggest you for re-operation.

Insufficient fat removal: Insufficient fat removal in blepharoplasty creates a noticeable or asymmetric blemish, in this case removal of fat may be indicated.

Excessive fat removal: When excessive fat is removed from the upper eyelid, it may create a lid crease that occurs too high and deep also known as "superior sulcus defect". Fat is removed from the lower eyelids may create a hollow appearance known as "inferior sulcus defect". This Hollowness may produce either immediately or years after the blepharoplasty surgery.

Excessive muscle removal: Excessive removal of orbicularis muscle from the upper eyelids during blepharoplasty can hollow the superior sulcus. Removal of orbicularis muscle in the lower eyelids may lead to destabilized eyelid closure and support.

Drooping upper eyelid: A pre-existing but unrecognized drooping upper eyelid can be operated by Blepharoplasty. This is not a saggy lid but one that rides too low, condition called as "ptosis". Though injury to the levator muscle and aponeurosis is less common but may cause ptosis to occur in a healthy levator system. After blepharoplasty mild ptosis may appear but it is rare and may persevere for few weeks to months. If the ptosis condition does not disappear with time, exploratory surgery may be suggested.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trust Your Blepharoplasty Surgeon

Blepharoplasty is lot like life that is not fully predictable so there is always a content of risk. Different patients vary in their responses to any given surgery and surgeons vary in their experiences and expertise. It is important to understand that the expert blepharoplasty surgeons will have some patients who suffer from unpredicted complications after surgery. An old quotation is famous like: “The doctor who doesn’t face any complication is the doctor who doesn’t perform much operation.” You may read or hear from your friends or any medical personnel, complications following blepharoplasty are uncommon and one in million.

If any unexpected complication happens then the most helpful thing you can try to maintain a gook working relationship with your blepharoplasty surgeon. Hopefully, you prepared yourself before selecting a blepharoplasty surgeon and now it’s the time of the outcome of such preparation. If you believe your surgeon for blepharoplasty then trust him to treat with any unexpected problem. Blaming will get you nowhere.

All blepharoplasty surgeons are taught to handle with the most common complication. If any complication is not common or beyond your surgeon’s capabilities, then a reputed surgeon will refer you to a practitioner with higher expertise without hesitation. Always listen to your surgeon and take guidance from him. Your surgeon also wants right results as much as you do.

Take heart in the awareness that most cosmetic and functional blepharoplasty surgery complications can be helped at least to some extent. Some of the complications just disappear by waiting. Some times additional corrective procedure may require and they can be very minor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pennsylvania Blepharoplasty

Many men and women choose to have blepharoplasty in Pennsylvania to improve their physical appearance as well as self image. Here you can find information about Pennsylvania blepharoplasty. Pennsylvania is famous for the looks of people living there. Blepharoplasty in Pennsylvania is a very popular choice along with its popularity in other states too. This is the right place where you can easily find the blepharoplasty surgeon for the surgery. Many people come to Pennsylvania to get the blepharoplasty done. Pennsylvania surgeons do a special blepharoplasty revision to get the best results. Here is the list of Pennsylvania Blepharoplasty Surgeon:

Richard P. Glunk, M.D.
216 Mall Blvd, Suite 101
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA 19406
Approximately 38.78 Miles from Oxford

Jardin Medical Spa
15 Presidential Blvd., Ste. 103
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, USA 19004
Approximately 42.98 Miles from Oxford

Scott A. Brenman, MD
800 Spruce Street, 10th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 19107
Approximately 44.67 Miles from Oxford

Jonathan Pontell, MD, FACS
The Georgetown Building
101 Chesley Drive
Media, Pennsylvania, USA 19063
Approximately 44.67 Miles from Oxford

Enhancements Facial Plastic Surgery & Laser Specialists
5201 William Penn Hwy
Easton, Pennsylvania, USA 18045
Approximately 74.45 Miles from Oxford

Dr. Louis P. Bucky
230 West Washington Square
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 19106

Dr. Steven E. Copit
840 Walnut St., 15th FL
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 19107

Dr. Don Larossa
3400 Spruce St., 10 Penn Tower
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 19104

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Natural Blepharoplasty

Natural blepharoplasty means “stitchless blepharoplasty”. In many cases, the incision of the surgery left unstitched and secured but in a very special way. The eye remains unpatched after the surgery, and the patient is allowed to move away from the operating room. Now you are thinking, how this possible?

This depends upon the technique used by your blepharoplasty surgeon. With good planning and accurate placement of the initial incision, the tissues not only seal themselves but, heal better and recover faster than the surgery by stitches. "Going stitchless" speeds up the blepharoplasty surgery by eliminating needless manipulation of fragile tissue and decreases the chance of astigmatism from excessively tight or somewhat misaligned sutures.

The blepharoplasty done through the incision made on the lower eyelids is known as Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty. The transconjunctival blepharoplasty offers a similar opportunity of “Natural Blepharoplasty”. Over a decade ago, the incision traverses on the entire length of the eyelid was always stitched tightly at the end of the blepharoplasty surgery.

Some surgeons came to question about the need for the final step of operation. If the incision is made near the natural depression where the eyeball meets the eyelid, there are no substantial forces conspiring to pull its edges apart. The conjunctiva in this area is really free of any pulling or strain from either gravity or eye movement. During the blepharoplasty, an assistant must manually pull back the lower eyelid away from the eyeball to expose enough space for the surgeon to gain access. After blepharoplasty surgery, the eyelids automatically retain its normal connection with the eyeball, thus shielding the surgical field and sealing the incision.
Today, the stitchless transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is very famous and in routine. The surgery progress in stitchless blepharoplasty is faster than if stitches are used. The final scar on the lower eyelids is minimized by allowing the cut tissues to fall together and adjust themselves to their own liking. Suture induced frustration and cyst formation are eliminated. Swelling and bruising in natural blepharoplasty are minimized, and healing is hastened.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

List of Blepharoplasty Surgeons in Beverly Hills

Here is the list of plastic surgeons. These surgeons are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

1. Dr. Garth Fisher (M.D., F.A.C.S)
120 South Spalding Drive, Suite 222
Beverly Hills, California, USA

2. Dr. Adrien Aiache
9884 Little Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 102
Beverly Hills, California, USA

3. Dr. Andrew P. Ordon
465 Roxbury Drive
Beverly Hills, California, USA

4. Dr. Anthony C. Griffin
8641 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, California, USA

5. Dr. Athleo L. Cambre
436 N. Bedford Drive
Beverly Hills, California, USA

6. Dr. Barry M. Weintraub
414 N. Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, California, USA

7. Dr. Bernard L. Markowitz
9675 Brighton Way
Beverly Hills, California, USA

8. Dr. Bruce B. Kadz
416 North Bedford Drive Suite 406
Beverly Hills, California, USA

9. Dr. Dennis J. Bang
99 North La Cienega Blvd. Suite 303
Beverly Hills, California, USA

10. Dr. Harry Marshak
120 S. Spalding Drive, Suite 300
Beverly Hills, California, USA

Monday, February 18, 2008

Information on Beverly Hills Blepharoplasty

Every year, hundreds of people choose to have blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills to improve their physical appearance as well as self image. You have reached on the right site to know about Beverly Hills blepharoplasty. Beverly Hills is known as the place of celebrities and celebrities love to improve their physical appearance and self-image. This place is famous not only for the celebrities who live but for their looks as well.
Blepharoplasty is the answer for those who wished to have a little surgery to get perfect looks. This is the surgery which surgeon do to improve face looks of a person. Blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills is a very popular choice along with its popularity in other states too. About 300 men and women opt for blepharoplasty every year.
Basically there are two types of blepharoplasty. One is known as cosmetic blepharoplasty and other one is performed for excess skin and baggy eyelids. A blepharoplasty helps to remove the excess skin that many people develop under their eyes. This problem depends upon many factors like age, depression, stress or any deficiency of genetic tendencies. This is the right place where you can easily find the best surgeon for the surgery. Many people come to Beverly Hills to get the blepharoplasty done. Beverly Hills surgeons do a special blepharoplasty revision to get the best results.
The patient must adhere to some precautions after undergone through the blepharoplasty. The patient needs to take rest in the home for around 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. The patient should take a nutritious, balanced diet that includes green leafy vegetables. This will provide the required vitamins and proteins to the patient. Proper exercise will also require keeping healthy and not accumulate fat on the eyelids.
The cost of blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills is around $2500A to $4000. You can consult with your health insurance advisor to cover this cost. But you should aware about that the health insurance will not cover the cost of the cosmetic blepharoplasty surgery. Insurance will cover only the functional blepharoplasty surgery.
If you are living in Beverly Hills, then it’s very simple for you to find the best surgeon for the blepharoplasty. Otherwise you should have prior knowledge about the surgeons in Beverly Hills. Here you can get a list of few specialized surgeons in Beverly Hills. This will surely help.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blepharoplasty Differs from Face and Body Lifts

-Blepharoplasty is performed against the influence of heredity than against the effect of gravity on the eyelids. The main cause of bulging and sagging eyelids is not so much of gravitational forces but it is due to loss of tissue elasticity. That comes into your genes and expresses itself during forties. The blepharoplasty is to restore sagging and bulging eyelids to its normal contour.

- Tissue placed under the tension scar will regularly stretch, an attribute that makes many reconstructive operations possible. A well done blepharoplasty should not place tissues under some tension scars while a face lift does indeed place tissues under them. One of the main causes of re-occurrence is thus avoided.

-Once the hereditary problems have been reserved through blepharoplasty, they show much less tendency to recurrence than the changes primarily by the gravity. The chances of deficiency due to gravity to re-express themselves are more than hereditary problems.

-The fat of eyelids does not regain back even with the weight gain. It is also possible to add socket fat into the eyelids eventually to work its way forward and more improvement. This will never reaccumulate to the extent that degrades the popularity of blepharoplasty. Many people experience the opposite effect- that is gradual loss of fat with age.

- Blepharoplasty cost is much less than full face lift and body lift. The results from blepharoplasty are much near to your expectations rather than full face lift and body lift. Blepharoplasty recovery takes much less time than the full face lift.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Blepharoplasty for Men

Blepharoplasty for Men
-The procedures used to perform blepharoplasty surgery for men are same as the procedures used for woman except for some caveats which need to consider when contemplating blepharoplasty. Generally men try to avoid a deep and high upper eyelid crease. Most women often seeking this intent during blepharoplasty, because they apply cosmetics around their eyes without any stable skin platform above the upper eyelashes.

-Most men prefer to avoid upward flare to the outer brow during the surgery. The male brow tends to appear in slightly different pattern compare to female brow. Men, stereotypically, sport a brow that follows a lower and more horizontal excursion. Brow and forehead lifting is probably best approached for men with restraint.
Most men wish to have less obvious or more conservative change. The opinions regarding undergone cosmetic surgery have changed significantly in recent years, the women still outnumber the men but with a ratio that is rapidly shrinking (five to one). However the masculine look of man remains less manicured and more rugged, because most men do not appear to be “beautified”.

-Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is an ideal approach for men. Most men persist on avoiding any visible lower eyelid scarring, while in case of women, it is more easily camouflaged with cosmetics. Most men are less worried about the presence of fine wrinkles on their eyes and face. Procedures for removal of eyelid wrinkles like “Botox Injection” and “Skin Resurfacing” are not much popular with the men. All men and most women are obstinate about the final result of blepharoplasty appear as natural as possible. The resulting look so proudly displayed in years as a sort of status symbol of having undergone cosmetic blepharoplasty is definitely out of trend. Most men prefer to look refreshed than rejuvenated or we can also say, more energetic rather than simply younger.

The above cautions are not hard to honor. However problems can arise, when surgery is done by the occasional blepharoplasty surgeon. To achieve a natural look with blepharoplasty, requires a skillful and experience surgeon.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Botox Injections to Reduce Wrinkles and Folds

Botox injection (Botulinum toxin) is a non-surgical treatment. This injection is used to reduce wrinkles, folds and depression due to muscular pull. This may be used for the treatment of facial, eyelid and eyebrow asymmetries. Botox is an injection, so it is nearly painless.
Botox treatment is also known as Chemodenervation. Muscular pull is a cause of wrinkles and folds on face as well as around eyes. To reduce these wrinkles and folds, a small amount of potent neurotoxin is injected using a fine needle into muscle areas whose pull are responsible for wrinkles and folds. The intent of botox injection is to paralyze the action of muscle and lighten the creasing of overlying skin. Botox may be employed on imbalances and asymmetries in eyebrow and eyelids. It can be used for other facial purposes such as smoothing lipstick lines above the upper lip.
Some hyperkinetic muscular pull is the cause of crow’s feet, forehead creases and frown lines between eyebrows. Botox injection provides a safe and effective treatment for softening wrinkles and folds associated with hyperkinetic muscular pull.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cost of Cosmetic Blepharoplasty Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is the popular and newest trend among the people. People go for selective surgeries like cosmetic blepharoplasty. But its cost is an important factor. For cheaper blepharoplasty cost, people prefer to travel abroad. Because in some cities, the cosmetic surgeries can be performed at an affordable costs.
Medical travel may provide people to get quality blepharoplasty. But it is important to choose an experienced blepharoplasty surgeon and consult with him for success of the surgery. This way is not only helping you to reduce the cost of blepharoplasty but also gives an option to visit the abroad. As the cost of surgery is lower in abroad, people can spend more on hotels and sightseeing.

People who can spend money for cosmetic surgeries like blepharoplasty, New York is a good place for this. The cost of cosmetic blepharoplasty in New York is around $4000- $5500. This cost is little higher, but the quality is guaranteed. In today's world, people don’t compromise on money when it concerns to their looks. The surgery can give a great and younger looks by reducing wrinkles and fat bags from the eyes.

After cosmetic blepharoplasty, the person feels young and more confident. Though cosmetic surgery becomes a common option to change the appearance, the blepharoplasty cost is not a matter of concern. The only thing to concern is great looks that makes you feel confident.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cosmetic Blepharoplasty

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is performed to improve the appearance of the eyelids and the overall sense of well being. This procedure is widely accepted by the people and very popular in North America. Patients are getting done cosmetic eyelid surgery to restore more youthful and better appearance to their eyelids.
Cosmetically, people may want to emphasize their eyes, improve their overall personality, and instead of looking older and restless, they may want to restore a more youthful and rested appearance. Female patients may report some problem putting on eye shadow, or eyeliner becomes grimy around their upper lid.
The lower blepharoplasty is always considered as a part of cosmetic surgery. A transconjunctival approach is used to remove lower eyelid fat through the inside of the eyelid. This approach is more beneficial and also minimizes many complications seen with older technique of blepharoplasty. The transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is the most common cosmetic procedure performed on men today.
After cosmetic eyelid surgery, appearance of the eyes looks more rested and youthful. You might get comments from your friends, but they can not recognize that you have cosmetic surgery.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Information for Blepharoplasty in New York City

There are many medical centers for Blepharoplasty in New York and Manhattan, where Blepharoplasty surgery is performed well. A specialized team of blepharoplasty surgeons can easily perform the surgery and give a new appearance to your eyes. The blepharoplasty procedure generally depends on patient's skin type but normally takes 1 - 2 hours.
Like other surgeries, risks are involved in blepharoplasty too. But its occurrence depends on the physical and mental well-being of a particular patient. If the patient is physically fit, then the percentage of complications in blepharoplasty will be lesser. To reduce these complications, the patient is suggested to take healthy food that includes green salad. The recovery from blepharoplasty can take around 2 to 3 months depending upon type of surgery. During this period, the patient can feel swelling, pain or burning around the eyes for some weeks. For the patients who use contact lenses, it is advisable to avoid using lenses for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. This will help the patient to recover fully.
If we talk about the healthcare and medical centers for New York City blepharoplasty, Manhattan or any where in the world, you can easily search on this site and the Internet. There are many official websites of various surgeons and hospitals that provide expert services for blepharoplasty.
Continue to our discussion on New York City blepharoplasty and blepharoplasty Manhattan, it is important to note that its popularity is mounting over there. With the very low risk factors associated with this surgery as compare to facial surgery, a lot of people want to enrich appearance. So face the mirror and think whether you want to opt for it too.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tips for Cosmetics Use After Blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, sutures and swelling remains there for few days. Once sutures from eyelids removed and the swelling over eyelids starts resolve, some patients try to camouflage haunting discoloration of blepharoplasty surgery. Camouflage is not suggested for the few days after blepharoplasty, because swelling and discoloration is high at that time.

Before using any make-up for eyelids after blepharoplasty, first consult with your blepharoplasty surgeon. Once your surgeon has give it okay, then you can use eyelid make-up. Make sure that you are not using any cosmetic directly to an open wound, because there is risk not only of infection but also of permanent tattooing. Use a brand new tube or bottle for eyelids to lessen the chance of contamination.

You can use eyelid moisturizing cream when eyelids are still tender from blepharoplasty. Moisturizing cream makes easier for the eyelid make-up after blepharoplasty. Use sponge or fresh cotton swap for application of moisturizing cream on eyelids.

To cover discoloration of eyelids, there are thicker concealer type camouflage products in market. There products include demablend, cover FX and Covermark. All these camouflage products come into variety of shades. You can choose any shade which matched to your surrounding normal skin. Do not use too heavy application of product, this may results as obvious as what you trying to conceal.

You can also go for Lighter skin tone concealers for eyelids. These concealers are made by most major cosmetic manufacturers.

A regular foundation may be used with thin colored cream if the discoloration of eyelid is not too dark. The thin colored cream is chosen opposite to the color of bruising. If the color of bruising is red, then thin green cream may be effective. If bruising color is purple, use of yellow cream is effective. If the bruising color is yellow, then it means discoloration is almost gone and you may avoid just more than a regular make-up.

Do not use glittered or frosted eye shadow in few days after blepharoplasty. These contain particles that may irritate healing skin.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Overview of Blepharoplasty and Blepharoplasty Surgeon

Blepharoplasty is a procedure in which a person can enhance appearance of his/her eyes with medical help. Among cosmetic and plastic surgery, blepharoplasty is a more popular trend. Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery which can change the appearance of the eyes and blepharoplasty surgeon is a doctor who does these surgeries.
Blepharoplasty helps in correcting drooping eyelids. They also help in correcting puffy eyes thus reducing the bulges in the eyes. These are caused due to the fat around the eyes hence it is removed with the help of a surgery. Excess tissue is also removed through a surgery. Blepharoplasty can be performed by surgeons under local anesthesia. It can be performed within one to two hours, depending upon how complex the case is. There are various types of blepharoplasty surgery performed. To remove the excess fats and muscles and excess skin from the upper eyelid, an incision is made in the upper eyelid known as the upper blepharoplasty.
Similarly, to remove excess fats and muscles from the lower eyelid, lower blepharoplasty is performed. Eyelid lift is performed when there are bags around the eyes. This is performed by making an incision inside the eyelids.
Blepharoplasty also includes tightening of the eyelids. They treat wrinkles around the eyes. A brow lift and treating the cheek area under the eyes is also possible through an eyelid surgery. Laser blepharoplasty is also another type of surgery similar to the cosmetic blepharoplasty. In a laser blepharoplasty, the surgery is performed with a laser to change the appearance of the eyes. There are certain advantages of laser blepharoplasty. Laser blepharoplasty helps in a speedy recovery causing less pain. As the incision in the eyelids is made with a laser, there is less bleeding. This helps the blepharoplasty surgeons with a better view of the eye and makes it easier for them to operate. It is always advised to consult several surgeons before opting for a blepharoplasty.
Generally people of the middle age group opt for cosmetic surgeries. With an increase in the number of people who want to change their look, the various enhancement and surgery centers are also increasing. The trend being ever increasing, the rates have also reduced from what it was in the past years. Some of them don't even mind going abroad for these surgeries as they offer them at much reduced rates. People who want a blepharoplasty, San Diego and new york city is a good option to consider as it can offer blepharoplasty at cheaper rates. However, before finally opting for a blepharoplasty, many people consult various surgeons. Be confident that a blepharoplasty surgeon can completely change the way you look as your good looks are restored to you once again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Transfer of Fat by Injection in Depression Area

Fat injection in Blepharoplasty
People have much interest in fat transfer by injection into facial area of depression. Fat injection is required when fat is removed during liposuction into the depression area. Fat may be injected into some depression area such as grooves between the eye brows, tear trough or deeper furrows between upper cheek and eyelids. Fat injection has one limitation that is its unpredictable rate of disappearance generally with the liposuctioned aspirates. The fat reabsorption rate is high in some area such as between the eye brows (glabellar area) and around the mouth. Lower eyelid and cheek have the highest retainment. Depression area treated for fat transfer during blepharoplasty may stay swollen or bruised for few weeks. This procedure is aesthetically acceptable, always performed by experienced blepharoplasty surgeons. The results may be unpredictable if the surgery is performed by inexperienced surgeon. Fat injection in lower eyelid skin is quite difficult as compare to the tear trough. Because incisions are required in both side of eyelids. Fat injection during blepharoplasty is an interesting procedure for natural volume restoration. Patients can be very happy after its results around the eyelid skin.
Some patients are interested in the eyelid fat repositioning by the priorbital fat transfer during blepharoplasty. This can be performed when there is some bulging fat in the lower eyelid located just next to hollow. During blepharoplasty, the excess fat appeared over the orbital rim of bone retails its natural blood supply and is much less manipulated.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Eyelid and Eyebrow Tissue Fillers in Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is meant for the beauty of eyes by some cosmetic surgical process. Sometime there are wrinkles and grooves under eyes which make you feel older and tired. This can be a cause of age factor and fat deficiency. The loss of natural dermal collagen and eyelid fat cause the wrinkles and grooves. The wrinkles and groves can be filled by dermal fillers and synthetic tissue augmentation. Eyelid tissue fillers are used to fill out depressions around eyes and between the eyebrows. Fat transfer and eyelid filler is a non-surgical technique. The tissue fillers are taken into a syringe and injected into dermis of skin depression area around the eyes. Multiple passes of tissue filler have been done into different tissue planes and make a layering effect. After that a gentle massage is done to smooth out any beading. There are many products in the market which used as tissue filler by the surgeon.
1. Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast: Both products are bio-engineered and human driven collagen. For this product, no skin test is required for skin allergy.
2. Restylane and Perlane (Q-Med Esthetics), Juvederm, and Hylaform: These fillers consist of long lasting and absorbable hyaluronic acid gel of non- animal origin. The skin testing for allergy is not required. These fillers last for about twice as long as injected collagen.
3. Zyplast and Zyderm

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Variations and Advantages of Skin Approach Lower Blepharoplasty

There are many variations in skin approach lower blepharoplasty (Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty), most of which related to the placements of skin incisions and the penetration level between one tissue layer to the other. If the orbicularis muscle rolled over just below the eyelashes during smile or become hypertrophic, then some extra muscle may be removed from lower eyelid. The patients have excessive skin on lower eyelid, only small flap of skin may be dissected instead of skin muscle. The orbicularis muscle close to orbital bone and allow more skin to be removed rather then muscle.
Advantage: Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty includes removal of excess skin and orbicularis muscle in addition with fat removal and repositioning. This type of process is not possible in normal transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Excess skin or orbicularis muscle in lower eyelid is not indicated and includes significant risk of eyelid contour distortion.