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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Asian Double Eyelid Surgery- Blepharoplasty also popular in Men

Asian blepharoplasty surgery is now popular for men also. It is not strictly meant for women. In the past years, Asian blepharoplasty was performed over 95% of women, but in the last decade, there was a steep rise in the number of men undergone double eyelid surgery.
As per current stats, Occidental blepharoplasty is performed on less than 20% of male patients, while Asian male accountability for double eyelid surgery is over 30%. This rise in interest of men is indicating the fundamental change in objective of blepharoplasty in Asian and non-Asian people. The nature of the blepharoplasty procedure for Asian eyelid is a structural repositioning of tissues intended to create a natural-occurring crease while in the non-Asian eyelid, the objective is to remove away the changes occurred with the aging.
A conservative approach is highly recommended for both Asian and Occidental men. Normally, a low tapered crease in eyelid appears the most natural and also the best option. Some women desire a high crease with medium height and parallel contour in blepharoplasty; this procedure normally chosen to create a definite platform to apply cosmetics. A dramatic crease is never a recommended idea in blepharoplasty, mainly for the men faces.
Some men are concern about having the low creases as they think that they may require additional blepharoplasty later on for age-related bagginess. While this is a rare case, such later blepharoplasty surgery is subtractive in nature because the incision surgery builds a long-lasting crease and depends fully on how that patient finally ages. Still, it is highly recommend against try to have preempt changes that may or may not happen in middle age.