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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Two Easy way to Help Swelling Disappear after Blepharoplasty

Using cold compacts and uplifting your head over the level of your heart are ordinary practices in the stage just after blepharoplasty surgery. In addition to blepharoplasty, there are many other simple and effective practices that can help you to remove swelling quicker in the weeks to come.

1. Reduce Your Salt Intake
Most health-conscious people taking salt easily prefer more prepared foods, fast foods and "take-out" which have lots of salt. This seems to be more convenient for them after blepharoplasty surgery than cooking up own daily food. A small amount of salt on your meals is fine for blepharoplasty, but anything more may direct you to fluid retention. When your body retains fluid, parts of inflammation such as eyelids healing from blepharoplasty are common targets for more swelling. Generally, Young people are notorious consumers of “take-out” and fast food, are the major offenders.

2. Continue Exercise Regularly and in Control
After blepharoplasty surgery, it's easy to make yourself a couch-potato watching television and lot of movies. The active people will be bored more quickly with this routine and find themselves yearning to get back to the fitness center. When you finally decided to get back to the gym, take it easy. Energetic aerobics and weighty straining after blepharoplasty can all add to swelling in the inflamed soft tissues of the eyelids and orbit. It would fine to give your body rest before preparing for your next triathlon.