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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Advanced Upper Blepharoplasty with Myoplasty

Wrinkles on the forehead is generally a unconscious simulation of the forehead and eyebrow area. Even though it makes our looks like annoyed person and unfriendly, it is almost unfeasible for us to prevent us from activating the muscles that are dependable for the frown on the forehead. The main reason behind the success of Botox is its advantage in relaxing the muscles which are responsible for wrinkles and frowning. Advanced upper blepharoplasty for upper eyelid lifts can include a treatment to relax frowning muscles, specifically the procerus, corrugator and depressor supercili muscles. An advanced upper blepharoplasty gives a wonderful opportunity to treat these muscles by the previously existing eyelid incision which is unseen within the lid crease. The muscles are approached in upper blepharoplasty, recognized and permanently destabilized which leads to permanent softening of the natural frown. Because the muscles are not entirely paralyzed, some simulation remains for a natural look. Although this upper blepharoplasty treatment may even direct to a mild brow elevation, most patients identify the benefit in the improvement of the frown region between the eyebrows. These muscles are strongly intertwined with significant nerves and vessels, so a methodical understanding of the rich anatomy of eyelids by the blepharoplasty surgeon is essential for a safe and secure procedure.