Cosmetic Complications:
Lower blepharoplasty complications may result in the Patient dissatisfaction its final result. As in case of upper blepharoplasty, if inadequate skin from upper eyelid has been removed, the most direct cure is to excise a little more. However, skin excision will not provide a very effective solution to eliminate any wrinkles, while fanatic removal of lower eyelid skin in lower blepharoplasty will always cause considerable problems.
The most common cosmetic complication is inadequate removal of fat resulting in a visible bulge. Same in the case of fat transfer, it may result an inappropriately irregular shape and contour. These types of cosmetic complications in lower blepharoplasty can be addressed by the revision by transconjuctival approach. This is, however, the best approach to be conservative in case of fat removal.
The rare cosmetic complication in lower blepharoplasty is holloness which is caused due to excessive removal of lower eyelid fat. This complication be overcome by grafting of fat obtained from other part (usually behind the ear)of the body.
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Lower Blepharoplasty Complications Treatment
at 11:50 AM