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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How Do I Select Blepharoplasty Surgeon?

Blepharoplasty Surgeon
The best criteria for selecting a blepharoplasty surgeon is the experience that surgeon has. Performing blepharoplasty surgery three or four times a month between tummy tucks, is not an experience. If a surgeon perfoms blepharoplasty seven to eight times a week this is called experience. The surgeon you are going to select for the surgery should be more concern about blepharoplasty and this can only be judge by his experience. There are some other factors also:
1- The Blepharoplasty surgeon should have sterling reputation for good results of blepharoplasty among other doctors.Because it takes practice and years of hard work to maintain and earn reputation.
2- There are many online message boards where you can find informations about blepharoplasty surgeon- whatever good or bad- but it should be taken as a big grain.
3- The office location of blpharoplasty surgeon should be in consideration. A surgeon in Beverly Hills definitly better than a surgeon in Fresno.If you are visiting a surgeon at an exclusive place then that blepharoplasty surgeon should be equally skilled.
4- Blepharoplasty surgeon should be "University Affiliated" like a clinical professor.