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Friday, September 21, 2007

Insurance Coverage for Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty Insurance Coverage
Generally blepharoplasty is taken as a cosmetic eyelid surgery, which is done to improve your appearance. No insurance company going to pay for such reasons. Cosmetic surgery is excluded from insurance coverage. Some patients complain to their surgeons for excess baggy eyelids that interfere with their eyesight. Heavy baggy eyelids make them feel tired. In such cases, medical insurance company happy to pay for their blepharoplasty surgeon fees. Medical insurance company gives a vague provision of your insurance policy. They stated the significant changes in the eyesight vision or health of your eyes will be considered. These changes generally occur at an age of eighty. There is no advance advantage for this because if you are eighty years old and your baggy eyelids interfering with your eyesight, the blepharoplasty has more limitation to consider. Insurance company covers a minimum amount for the surgery which is functional blepharoplasty related to treatment of your eyesight vision. Functional blepharoplasty differ with the complete eyelid blepharoplasty.