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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Reasons Behind Baggy Eyelids

Blepharoplasty for Baggy Eyelids
• In your forties or late thirties, elasticity of your extremely thin skin of eyelids start loosing and getting stretch. This causes wrinkles in the upper eyelids and become daped by overhang. Epidermis becomes in relative excess on the eyelids as the collagen in the dermis starts to lost and crow's feet and wrinkles appear on the eyelids. The underlying orbital fat unveils as the skin of eyelids thinning.
Blepharoplasty will be suitable for those who has droopy and baggy eyelids.
• Facial fat begins to imbued, making to volume loss. The resulting reduction not only emphasizes the appearance of baggy skin, but may be its primary cause.
• The orbicularis muscle stretches, thins out and becomes wrinkled, leading to sagging of the overlying skin of eyelids.
• The eyelid skin starts to thin and get stretched by the influence of the wear-and-tear of blinking, gravitational forces, excessive smoking and sun exposure.
• Deeper fat pockets in the eyelid socket become visible. these packets appear forward due to a weakening of an eyelid restraining layer known as the "orbital septum". Blepharoplasty can make your facial appearance better and enrich your self-confidence.
• The orbital fat packets inside the eyelid socket may absorb rather than bulge out and gives a hollowed appearance in both upper and lower eyelids.
• In later forties, the frontals muscle may baggy and lowering the brow, and the excess eyelid skin becomes more noticeable.
• The tissues of cheek and midface starts loosing their tone and lowers, making a small area of depression under the lower eyelids, emphasizing lower eyelid imperfections, and allowing the corners of the orbital rim to show through the skin.
• In some patients, a triangular fluid filed under the bone of lower corner of lower eyelids. this swelling becomes purplish and appears more on excess salt intake.
Blepharoplasty is a procedure that can make your eyes and aging face fresh.