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Monday, February 11, 2008

Blepharoplasty for Men

Blepharoplasty for Men
-The procedures used to perform blepharoplasty surgery for men are same as the procedures used for woman except for some caveats which need to consider when contemplating blepharoplasty. Generally men try to avoid a deep and high upper eyelid crease. Most women often seeking this intent during blepharoplasty, because they apply cosmetics around their eyes without any stable skin platform above the upper eyelashes.

-Most men prefer to avoid upward flare to the outer brow during the surgery. The male brow tends to appear in slightly different pattern compare to female brow. Men, stereotypically, sport a brow that follows a lower and more horizontal excursion. Brow and forehead lifting is probably best approached for men with restraint.
Most men wish to have less obvious or more conservative change. The opinions regarding undergone cosmetic surgery have changed significantly in recent years, the women still outnumber the men but with a ratio that is rapidly shrinking (five to one). However the masculine look of man remains less manicured and more rugged, because most men do not appear to be “beautified”.

-Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is an ideal approach for men. Most men persist on avoiding any visible lower eyelid scarring, while in case of women, it is more easily camouflaged with cosmetics. Most men are less worried about the presence of fine wrinkles on their eyes and face. Procedures for removal of eyelid wrinkles like “Botox Injection” and “Skin Resurfacing” are not much popular with the men. All men and most women are obstinate about the final result of blepharoplasty appear as natural as possible. The resulting look so proudly displayed in years as a sort of status symbol of having undergone cosmetic blepharoplasty is definitely out of trend. Most men prefer to look refreshed than rejuvenated or we can also say, more energetic rather than simply younger.

The above cautions are not hard to honor. However problems can arise, when surgery is done by the occasional blepharoplasty surgeon. To achieve a natural look with blepharoplasty, requires a skillful and experience surgeon.