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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Natural Blepharoplasty

Natural blepharoplasty means “stitchless blepharoplasty”. In many cases, the incision of the surgery left unstitched and secured but in a very special way. The eye remains unpatched after the surgery, and the patient is allowed to move away from the operating room. Now you are thinking, how this possible?

This depends upon the technique used by your blepharoplasty surgeon. With good planning and accurate placement of the initial incision, the tissues not only seal themselves but, heal better and recover faster than the surgery by stitches. "Going stitchless" speeds up the blepharoplasty surgery by eliminating needless manipulation of fragile tissue and decreases the chance of astigmatism from excessively tight or somewhat misaligned sutures.

The blepharoplasty done through the incision made on the lower eyelids is known as Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty. The transconjunctival blepharoplasty offers a similar opportunity of “Natural Blepharoplasty”. Over a decade ago, the incision traverses on the entire length of the eyelid was always stitched tightly at the end of the blepharoplasty surgery.

Some surgeons came to question about the need for the final step of operation. If the incision is made near the natural depression where the eyeball meets the eyelid, there are no substantial forces conspiring to pull its edges apart. The conjunctiva in this area is really free of any pulling or strain from either gravity or eye movement. During the blepharoplasty, an assistant must manually pull back the lower eyelid away from the eyeball to expose enough space for the surgeon to gain access. After blepharoplasty surgery, the eyelids automatically retain its normal connection with the eyeball, thus shielding the surgical field and sealing the incision.
Today, the stitchless transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is very famous and in routine. The surgery progress in stitchless blepharoplasty is faster than if stitches are used. The final scar on the lower eyelids is minimized by allowing the cut tissues to fall together and adjust themselves to their own liking. Suture induced frustration and cyst formation are eliminated. Swelling and bruising in natural blepharoplasty are minimized, and healing is hastened.