Asian blepharoplasty surgery is now popular for men also. It is not strictly meant for women. In the past years, Asian blepharoplasty was performed over 95% of women, but in the last decade, there was a steep rise in the number of men undergone double eyelid surgery.
As per current stats, Occidental blepharoplasty is performed on less than 20% of male patients, while Asian male accountability for double eyelid surgery is over 30%. This rise in interest of men is indicating the fundamental change in objective of blepharoplasty in Asian and non-Asian people. The nature of the blepharoplasty procedure for Asian eyelid is a structural repositioning of tissues intended to create a natural-occurring crease while in the non-Asian eyelid, the objective is to remove away the changes occurred with the aging.
A conservative approach is highly recommended for both Asian and Occidental men. Normally, a low tapered crease in eyelid appears the most natural and also the best option. Some women desire a high crease with medium height and parallel contour in blepharoplasty; this procedure normally chosen to create a definite platform to apply cosmetics. A dramatic crease is never a recommended idea in blepharoplasty, mainly for the men faces.
Some men are concern about having the low creases as they think that they may require additional blepharoplasty later on for age-related bagginess. While this is a rare case, such later blepharoplasty surgery is subtractive in nature because the incision surgery builds a long-lasting crease and depends fully on how that patient finally ages. Still, it is highly recommend against try to have preempt changes that may or may not happen in middle age.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Asian Double Eyelid Surgery- Blepharoplasty also popular in Men
at 10:00 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Upper Blepharoplasty- Eyelid Surgery Without Crease Formation
The upper eyelids may emerge baggy in Asian people. Bagginess is usually due to the occurrence of excess fat and skin. Some people may wish to reduce their upper eyelid bagginess through blepharoplasty while conserve the current eyelids creaseless. Asian people have a special anatomical feature in their eyelids, so, "standard" Asian double-eyelid blepharoplasty surgery can run a specific risk of varying the current state of the crease and noticeable scar.
There are certain new techniques developed in Blepharoplasty for such cases:
• In this upper blepharoplasty, the skin generally incised a few millimeter above lashes. The incision is external and does not tend to the orbicularis muscle. A plane then established between skin and orbicularis muscle expanding upward. After this a flap having skin only is elevated without unsettling the eyelid structure.
• For upper eyelid bagginess, the excess fat needs to be removed to decrease a marked convexity in the eyelid. The orbicularis muscle is incised slightly a highed level in blepharoplasty. The orbital septum is then opened at little higher level. After that in blepharoplasty, a small amount of fat is trimmed out and removed. The orbicularis muscle and orbital septum left to close naturally without any suturing. However this step is not required, unless excess fat is offensive.
• If fat pocket nearby to the nose, bulging enough to visible, the transconjunctival approached is considered for blepharoplasty i.e. the area closet to nose approached from the backward of the eyelid. After this a small incision created to remove any excess fat. In this way, No noticeable external scar is created.
• Lastly, the skin flap is wrapped over the original incision marked in eyelid and extra skin trimmed conservatively. Now the skin edges will be closed with few sutures without useing any kind of deep fixation.
This upper blepharoplasty procedure is performed by not removing any orbicularis muscle or orbital septum and creation of a noticeable crease is avoided and the healing exterior scar is convincingly well camouflaged.
at 9:35 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Blepharoplasty for Permanent Eyeliner and Brows
Blepharoplasty can be done for permanent eyeliner and permanent brows. This procedure is known as blepharopigmentation and Eyelid tattooing. Ferroous oxide pigment tattoos into the dermis of eyelid for application of "permanent" makeup. This pigmentation of blepharoplasty gives freedom from regular application of cosmetic over the eyelids. Mainly the procedure is performed by cosmetologists instead of physicians. So, the anesthesia preferences are bounded. A rigid drink may be used.
Preferably, in this blepharoplasty surgery, pigments is put between the eyelashes as a sequence of closely-spaced dots rather than as a hard thick line. Various handpieces may be engaged using anything from a particular vibrating needle to a rotating multi-needle cluster. The dots can be applied in single or multiple rows between the eyelashes depends upon the preferred effect and intensity of coloring.
Permanent eyelid tattooing in blepharoplasty gives freedom from applying makeup daily. Especially this is beneficial for patients having poor eyesight, chronic eyelash infection, eyelid scarring, oily skin or arthritis. Also for people who always in hurry may prefer blepharopigmentation. Sometimes permanent makeup may not remain permanent and may be faded out gradually after several years. You should consult with a cosmetologist before applying permanent eyeliner, even if blepharoplasty surgeon will be performing the procedure.
at 9:57 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two Easy way to Help Swelling Disappear after Blepharoplasty
Using cold compacts and uplifting your head over the level of your heart are ordinary practices in the stage just after blepharoplasty surgery. In addition to blepharoplasty, there are many other simple and effective practices that can help you to remove swelling quicker in the weeks to come.
1. Reduce Your Salt Intake
Most health-conscious people taking salt easily prefer more prepared foods, fast foods and "take-out" which have lots of salt. This seems to be more convenient for them after blepharoplasty surgery than cooking up own daily food. A small amount of salt on your meals is fine for blepharoplasty, but anything more may direct you to fluid retention. When your body retains fluid, parts of inflammation such as eyelids healing from blepharoplasty are common targets for more swelling. Generally, Young people are notorious consumers of “take-out” and fast food, are the major offenders.
2. Continue Exercise Regularly and in Control
After blepharoplasty surgery, it's easy to make yourself a couch-potato watching television and lot of movies. The active people will be bored more quickly with this routine and find themselves yearning to get back to the fitness center. When you finally decided to get back to the gym, take it easy. Energetic aerobics and weighty straining after blepharoplasty can all add to swelling in the inflamed soft tissues of the eyelids and orbit. It would fine to give your body rest before preparing for your next triathlon.
at 9:02 AM