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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Blepharoplasty Removes Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes give tired and older looks. People have confusion about the cause of dark circles. Dark circles are nothing but the thick skin under your eyes. There are few reasons for the cause of dark skin under eyes or dark circles under eyes.
Dark Purple skin under Lower Eyelid Skin: Some people have purplish or dark color of the lower eyelid skin, they think they have dark circles under their eyes. But this is not only with these people. Everyone have dark skin of lower eyelids as compare to rest of the face. The lower eyelids skin is the thinnest skin on the face and this is so thin that everyone can see through it. Even you can see the eyelid muscles of purple color through thin eyelid skin. Eyelid skin appears more bluish when skin is thick. This appears dark due to the eyelid muscles beneath the thin skin. This not a problem but a racial and familial difference in the eyelid skin thickness and muscle color. This makes a variation in the darkness under eyes. You can use cove make-up to hide the dark circle, this is the only solution.
Appearance of Hollowed Eyes Due to Eyelids Sunken in: Some people have hollow eyes appearance due to eyelids sunken in. This thing caused by the deficiency of normal fat under eyelids which surrounds the eyeball. The fat normally plumps the lower eyelid skin. The deficiency of the fat caused due to racial factors, malnutrition, dehydration or general disease. This deficiency can be solved by performing Tranconjunctival Blepharoplasty. During the blepharoplasty, a thin incision is made on the inside pink potion of the lower eyelid. After that some fat transplant under lower eyelid. This blepharoplasty plumps the lower eyelids and makes a good appearance.
Dark Circles due to Naso-jugal Fold or Tear Trough Deformity: Naso-jugal fold is a depression or deep dark line along the lower eyelids just above the cheek. This called true dark circles under eyes. This depression attached to the underlying bone of rim of the eye socket. The depression is free to move due to unattached skin of lower eyelid just above the depression and drops shadow which make crease the dark color. The Naso-jugal fold or dark circle becomes darker with the age because eyelids and cheeks begin to sag with age but dark circles can not sag. Dark circles attached to bone and cannot sag with the face skin. So, with the age eyelids and cheeks sagging and dark circles become darker.
Tranconjunctival blepharoplasty can be performed to correct the Naso-jugal fold or dark circle. During the blepharoplasty, arcus marginalis ligament is released and free the dark circle. After that dark circle skin frees up and starts moving with the lower eyelid skin and rest of the skin. This procedure of blepharoplasty lessens the shadow of dark circle. Some fat is implant under dark circle to prevent the re-attachment of arcus marginalis. This is called tear tough implant under dark circle. Removal of true dark circle requires the blepharoplasty surgery.