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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty

Variations: The lower blepharoplasty may be accomplished with the use of laser or simple scalpel for the incision. A skin pinch excision may be used if your surgeon indicates and the muscles tightened through the same eyelid skin incision. Fat repositioning may be used in lower blepharoplasty to fill in slight depressions on upper cheek.

Advantages: The transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty has several advantage over transcutaneous lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Advantages of Lower blepharoplasty include:
# There will be no external scar after surgery.
# Chance of lower eyelid ectropion will be less and lower eyelids remain near to eye.
# Less incision to middle layers of eyelid.
# Fat is precisely sculpting from lower eyelids.
# Swelling and bruising will be less in lower blepharoplasty.
#Lower blepharoplasty is safer for patients who had previous blepharoplasty.

Limitations: In lower blepharoplasty, the excess fat is more address than the skin. The eyelids with less or minimal excess skin returns to a normal position after the surgery with no evidence of wrinkling or redundancy. The patients have excess skin can be excise with canthoplasty over lower eyelids. the excess skin can be tightened using laser surfacing or chemical peel over lower eyelid and upper cheek. You can get 70-80% improvement from lower blepharoplasty.